Old Rock unfolds as a multifaceted project that seamlessly integrates P2E competitive gaming, an interwoven token-based ecosystem, utility-driven NFT collections, and an immersive comic universe.
The genesis collection includes 500 Old Rock NFTs with 11 rock types, each possessing unique properties. Goliath, the game pieces, consist of 5,000 NFTs linked to a disease that alters human abilities.
The Old Rock gaming experiences are designed to be challenging and rewarding. Featured games include BountyCall, a dee[ and difficult visual novel on Discord; Shattered World, a choose-your-own-adventure comic book game set in a post-Goliath outbreak world, accessible via a web app; Stonebound Souls, offering a real-time cyberpunk roleplaying experience; and Density Deck, a card game blending classic poker elements with ranked and tournament play.
The Old Rock narrative explores the significance of the rocks and a strange global disease. The community is incentivized to unravel concealed puzzles within the comics and throughout the ecosystem, adding an exploratory and social element to the entire story.
$DENSITY (BASE), the project's native token, serves both on-chain and off-chain use cases within Old Rock. The token is available on a DEX through Uniswap $DENSITY:WETH liquidity pool. The token can be earned through the Amplify staking program, upcoming Airdrops, and in certain gaming titles as well.
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